Thursday, February 4, 2010

Concentration #2 finished

Finished eyeball piece. I messed with it a bit on photoshop so I could experiment with the background. Sorry for the giant watermark. =/


  1. honestly i cant see the water mark .... unless im blind lol but i love i.... no rose :( but still a pretty sick eye ball and tophat lol :) Are you going to put a black board behind it? or another color board because i like black lol it would go good with the white but im sure you already thought of that lol!

  2. Tis is relly cool! I like how the backgrond is white and the eyeball is wearing a to hat! Very nicely done.

  3. sorry about the typos this keyboard stinks

  4. This piece is really cool! I really like the form of the eye balls tendens and the shading. They really have a 3d look to them! Your a great artist
