Thursday, December 15, 2011

Web and Screen final

It's a simple dress-up game, check it out!


Illustration Final

Three illustrations of the tale of La Llorona done with black ink and white acrylic on vellum. The images overlay so you can view all three through each other.

Character Animation Final

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Postcard for Illustration, the only requirement was that it had to deal with opposites. Thus carnivore/herbivore, predator/prey. Done with black and red ink, the background is tea stained cardstock. I'm actually really pleased with this.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Old drawing work

Stuff from last semester I forgot to put up. I ended up doing a lot of self portraits in this class. The first is black ink and white acrylic, the second is charcoal. Honestly I don't remember the sizes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Character Animation Videos

Exercises and animations from my character animation class. I'll do another post of these at the end of the semester.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wrapping Paper

THIS ONE I like a lot. The assignment was to make a wrapping paper for Halloween incorporating a theme that we could choose from and I chose Day of the Dead. Took me forever to tile and using illustrator was probably not the best choice but I'm pleased with it!


OP ED piece about gay marriage, I'm kind of eeehhh on this one, I'm not sure the concept really comes through but the teacher seems to like it and I guess it looks alright. I might go back and edit the background.

More fish

Betcha didn't know that I like drawing sea critters.


Eeehhhhhh this... looks like a drug reference but I swear it's not, the comical aspect just isn't really coming through like... at all.

Hair in spoon, ingesting culture was the intent but whatever. I'll work on this more later cuz I like the way the rest looks.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just a note

I am in the process of re-purposing this blog to function as a better tool for displaying my work. I will be going through and deleting most of my personal posts in the meantime and creating a new blog for that sort of thing at a later date.

Animation Final Progress

Some progress on my animation final for my intro class.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Been a while since I posted anything

I finished an animation for media class recently. The text animation is not so fantastic but I'm satisfied with the actual animation portion of it. So here it is.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I kind of hate this drawing

Yeah I am not at all satisfied with this.

Workin' workin' workin'

Man I'm busy this weekend. It's been like "wake up, buy paper, go to U of M, come back, shoot interview, edit interview, go grocery shopping, go bowling, go to bed, wake up, edit interview again, draw draw draw." That was my weekend. I'm still drawing actually. Here's a work in progress of my charcoal drawing due tomorrow.

This little bit is my favorite. I wish I could crop it to this and be done.
I'll post the finished one WHEN IT'S FINISHED OHOHOHOHO.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Virtual Book

Our last assignment was to make a virtual book out of the images created a few weeks ago/ the ones in the last post.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Ball bounce

Finished ball bounce animation for intro to animation class. Yeah I know the lighting sucks. Gonna go die now kthxbai.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A few more laundry room photos...

Laundry Room Photos

So I know I talked about my laundry room earlier in this blog. It's being mentioned again because I recently did a photo series on it for my Media class. These are some of my favorites from the series. We also had to write some pretentious art student-y sentences to go along with these so I did a bunch of gross things. These are just the grossest.

I think about the twitch of the skin as the scab is peeled off.
...birds nesting in the pores of my face.
...a mountain piled high with dead skin
...the rust on my hairbrush that flakes off and stains my scalp.
...wasps becoming embedded in my skin.
...a tick burrowing through the muscle and into the murmuring heart.
...a numb arm connected to a slab of metal.
...biting off my cheeks in order to feel them.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Flip Book

This is a flip book I did for my intro to animation class.